They just got VR*
*Very Real.

If you’re part-way through a degree or course that means you need a little real world practice to sink your teeth into, we’re ready if you are.
Four days a week, for 8 weeks, you’ll be one of the team: working in the buzz of Liverpool’s Bold Street.
You’ll have the chance to work with our amazing team of writers, designers, motionographers, strategists – shadowing live projects and even getting a chance to develop your own piece for your portfolio.
And of course, you’ll be supported all the way.
We wouldn’t have it any other way. All our placement students are paid £250.00 a week, for the entirety of their time here.
Pay, perks, potential. You’ll be rubbing shoulders with top people, in a city centre studio, where you can experience what it’s like to put the skills you’ve learnt at uni to work, in a supportive creative learning environment.
Drop us an email with the subject line ‘Continuous placement’ telling us why telling us why you’d smash a sandwich placement with us, and a link to your portfolio. We’ll be in touch.
Looking for a post-graduate internship? We've got something for you here.