
An Alternative View

October 14, 2024

Why slow and steady doesn’t always win the race

In a world where speed and adaptability are essential, long-term strategies don’t always cut it. Sometimes, agility is key—and that’s where our ‘sprint’ method shines.



At Continuous, we’ve spent 25 years helping global brands stay ahead by tailoring approaches to fit their unique needs. Sometimes, agility is key—and that’s where our ‘sprint’ method shines. Condensing months of work into five days, we collaborate closely with clients, turning bold ideas into reality quickly and effectively.

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In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving business world, companies constantly strive to stay ahead - whether becoming the market leader, being the most innovative, or simply scaling up. In this environment, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to how businesses should bring their products or campaigns to market.

At Continuous, we’ve spent 25 years partnering with global brands to develop unique strategies. Our strength lies in our ability to adapt, listen to each client’s specific needs, and apply the right approach for them. Everything we do ties to one core objective: We want to give your business the confidence to take on tomorrow’s market through strategic, creative, and commercial brand strategy.

While thoughtful long-term strategies work for some, there are moments when agility is critical. That’s why we offer a ‘sprint’ approach - designed for companies that need speed and focus to stay competitive.

A Proven Workology

The concept of the "sprint" originated at Google Ventures and has become a widely celebrated working model. The beauty of a sprint is that it condenses months of work into just five days, providing a hyper-focused environment where ideas can be rapidly prototyped and tested. As Jake Knapp, the creator of the Google Design Sprint, said:

“The sprint is a five-day process for solving problems and testing new ideas. It’s about getting more done, faster, without the endless debate and indecision.”

For businesses that need to move fast, the sprint approach ensures they are not just running the race but are agile enough to course-correct when needed. By embracing this method, companies can bypass endless rounds of approvals and uncertainty, getting to the heart of their project with speed and precision.

Where Ambition Meets Agility

Not every brand needs layers of input or extensive approvals to get an idea off the ground. For many, a clear vision and a laser-focused team are enough to bring bold plans to life in record time. At Continuous, we specialise in capturing that singular vision and turning it into reality in a short timeframe.

A sprint allows us to dedicate our attention to a singular goal. With sharp focus and a collaborative approach, we’ve delivered projects with a tight turnaround that still exceed expectations. As the famous quote from Reed Hastings at Netflix goes:

“If you’re not fast, you’re last.”

Timing is everything, and when a client comes to us ready to launch, we’re there to ensure they’re not just on time but ahead of the curve.

It’s an approach that requires dedication and teamwork from both the client and agency, As an agency, we identify the clients challenges and our experienced team utilise their problem solving skills to strategise the best route forward. But, we can do all of this with increased confidence when our clients provide invaluable insights into their sector, their business and their stakeholders. The secret to a successful sprint lies in the ability to work as a unified team.

Knowing When It’s Suitable

While sprints offer incredible agility, they’re not suitable for every company. We’ve worked with brands across industries, understanding that some businesses require deeper exploration and a more robust approach before hitting the gas. 

However, for those businesses who come to us ready to move quickly, finger on the trigger, we’re experts at bringing speed without sacrificing quality. Our ability to execute fast-paced projects while maintaining brand integrity is why clients trust us time and time again.

The Continuous Sprint Approach

We follow a proven 5-step approach: Direct, Generate, Decide, Prototype, and Prove. This structure ensures that even in a sprint, there’s methodical thinking, clear decision-making, and thoughtful execution.

Here’s what some of our clients have to say:

  • Manchester City FC: “In 5 days, we came up with something with huge potential.”
  • Masonite: “If you did this outside of the sprint, you’re talking 6-8 months.”
  • American Express: “Helped us rethink our innovation across the business.”

At Continuous, we pride ourselves on providing the flexibility and insight to know when speed is of the essence - and when a more strategic approach is required. So, whether you need a sprint or a marathon, we’re here to guide you to the finish line.

Book a meeting with us today by emailing us here - we specialise in executing brand strategies that future proof your business whether that be a brand sprint or long-term partnership, we’re here to give your company the confidence to take on tomorrow.


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